程立星,顾 勇,梁 鑫,郝宇驰.固化土在码头桩基冲刷防护应用的试验与数值模拟研究[J].水运工程,2025,(2):184-190 |
固化土在码头桩基冲刷防护应用的试验与数值模拟研究 |
Experimental and numerical simulation research on application of solidified soil in scour protection of dock pile foundation |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 码头桩基 冲刷防护 工程渣土 固化土 流动性 抗剪强度 |
英文关键词:pier pile foundation scour protection engineering waste soil solidified soil mobility shear strength |
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摘要点击次数: 63 |
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中文摘要: |
冲刷防护是码头桩基设计维护中需要面临的重要问题之一。探索固化渣土用于桩基冲刷防护的可行性,即利用工程建设渣土添加适宜的固化剂形成固化土,通过适宜方式对桥墩冲刷区进行覆盖,增强床面的抗冲性能,从而起到防护作用。针对不同的固化土配方,对其流动性、抗剪强度以及抗冲刷情况进行物理模型试验以及数值模拟研究。试验结果表明,固化土塌落直径随着水土比的增加而增加,并且固化土的流动性随时间降低较快;固化土的抗剪强度随时间而缓慢提高,灰土比提高,固化土强度亦会随之提高;固化土整体对水流冲刷侵蚀抵抗效果较好,可用作新型的冲刷防护材料;在水下环境中,固化土的强度也会随时间不断增加,耐久性能良好。 |
英文摘要: |
Scour protection is one of the important issues that need to be faced in the design and maintenance of dock pile foundations.This article explores the feasibility of using solidified soil for pile foundation erosion protection,that is,using engineering construction soil to add suitable solidification agents to form solidified soil,covering the scouring area of bridge piers in an appropriate way,enhancing the anti erosion performance of the bed surface,and thus playing a protective role.This article conducted targeted physical model experiments and numerical simulations on the flowability,shear strength,and erosion resistance of different solidified soil formulations.The experimental results show that the collapse diameter of solidified soil increases with the increase of soil to water ratio,and the fluidity of solidified soil decreases rapidly with time.The shear strength of solidified soil slowly increases over time,and as the ash to soil ratio increases,the strength of solidified soil will also increase accordingly.The overall resistance of solidified soil to water flow erosion is good,and it can be used as a new type of erosion protection material.In underwater environments,the strength of solidified soil also increases over time,and its durability is good. |
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