Effect analysis of channel regulation project from Jiulongpo to Chaotianmen in upper reaches of the Yangtze River
中文关键词:  九龙坡—朝天门河段  航道整治  效果分析  重庆主城区
英文关键词:reach from Jiulongpo to Chaotianmen  channel regulation  effect analysis  main urban area of Chongqing
何艳军 长江重庆航运工程勘察设计院重庆 401147 
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      三峡工程175 m蓄水运行后,长江上游九龙坡—朝天门河段航道尺度不满足规划要求,消落期泥沙上冲下淤、冲刷不及时等造成航道出浅碍航。为提高工程河段航道尺度、遏制航道条件的不利发展,于2016—2020年对该河段进行航道整治。工程完工后通过定期观测,对整治效果进行分析。结果表明:工程河段河势稳定,航道尺度大幅提升,遏制了不利发展趋势,航道条件得到有效改善,实现了航道整治目标。
      After the 175 m water storage operation of the Three Gorges project,the scale of Jiulongpo to Chaotianmen reach cannot meet planning requirements.During the sedimentation period,the sediment is washed up and down,and the erosion is not timely,causing shallow navigation obstruction in the channel.The channel regulation of this reach is carried out from 2016 to 2020 to improve the channel scale of the engineering reach and curb the adverse development of channel conditions.After the completion of the project,the improvement effect is analyzed through regular observation.The results show that the river regime in the engineering reach is stable,the scale of the channel is significantly improved,and the unfavorable development trend is curbed,resulting in effective improvement of the channel conditions,achieving the goal of channel regulation.
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