刘 璐,施友仁,卢晓东,曹慧江.黄浦江陆家嘴弯段河势变化特征与航道布置[J].水运工程,2025,(2):157-163
River regime variation characteristics and waterway layout in Lujiazui Bend of Huangpu River
中文关键词:  黄浦江  陆家嘴弯段  航道治理  河势演变
英文关键词:Huangpu River  Lujiazui Bend  waterway regulation  river regime evolution
刘 璐 中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司上海 200120 
施友仁 上海市交通委员会执法总队上海 200063 
卢晓东 中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司上海 200120 
曹慧江 中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司上海 200120 
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      The riverway conditions of the Huangpu River are complicated with many river bends,while Lujiazui Bend owns the largest curvature together with the smallest turning radius of the waterway among all the river bends of Huangpu River.With the rapid growth of the number of navigable ships in the Huangpu River,the silting of the beach near the convex bank of the Lujiazui Bend has a certain influence on the safe navigation of passing ships in recent years.Viewing platforms,regarded as urban reception halls of Shanghai,are set along Luijiazui Bend.Adverse impacts will be resulted from safety incidents in case.Therefore,we analyze the hydrological and sediment characteristics of Lujiazui Bend of Huangpu River,and historical changes of river regime as well as navigation characteristics of ships and surrounding restrictions,and propose the waterway layout and regulation measures in Lujiazui.The results show that cutting and widening the convex bank shoals on the east side of Lujiazui can slove the narrow problem of navigable waters of the bend,and improve the bend navigation environment for ships.
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