上官弋非,何进朝,谢 峰,袁 浩,赵 江.怒江芒旦滩连续分汊河道中枯水期碍航特性研究[J].水运工程,2025,(2):142-149
Navigation obstruction characteristics of Mangdantan continuous branching channel of Nujiang River in normal and dry seasons
中文关键词:  连续分汊河道  数值模拟  分流比  流速分布  碍航特性
英文关键词:continuous branching channel  numerical simulation  flow diversion  current speed distribution  navigation obstruction characteristics
上官弋非 重庆交通大学河海学院,重庆 400074
何进朝 重庆交通大学,西南水利水运工程科学研究院,重庆402247
重庆西科水运工程咨询有限公司,重庆 402247 
谢 峰 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司,四川 成都610017
袁 浩 重庆交通大学,西南水利水运工程科学研究院,重庆402247
重庆西科水运工程咨询有限公司,重庆 402247 
赵 江 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司,四川 成都610017
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      The Mangdantan channel,consisting of three continuous branches,locates in the middle and lower reaches of the Nujiang River with bad flow condition.To investigate the natural navigation obstruction characteristics in Mangdantan continuous branching channel,the influence of different discharges in normal and dry period on the flow diversion,gradient,water depth condition and current speed distribution are numerically analyzed by the two-dimensional planar hydrodynamic model.The results show that the natural navigation obstruction characteristics include large gradient,insufficient water depth and rapid current speed.In addition,the flow condition in the branches R1-L2-L3 is better than those in the branches R1-R2-L3,therefore the branches R1-L2-L3 are suggested to be developed as the navigation channel.The research results can provide technical support and theoretical guidance for the regulation of Mangdantan and the channel development of similar continuous branching rivers.
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