Navigational flow conditions in upstream approach channel of a ship lock
中文关键词:  船闸  引航道  通航水流条件  数值模拟  模型试验
英文关键词:ship lock  navigational channel  navigable flow condition  numerical simulation  model test
帅志斌 安徽省亳州港航投资有限公司安徽 亳州 236815 
陈莹颖 南京水利科学研究院江苏 南京 210029 
马海涛 南京水利科学研究院江苏 南京 210029 
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      针对某船闸因受河道地形条件、总体布置等多种不同因素的限制,上游引航道斜穿河道主流且交角较大,通航水流横向流速较高的问题,采用数值模拟和水工模型试验相结合的方法,分析提出航线调整、凸案切滩等改善上游引航道通航水流条件的优化调整方案,对上游引航道通航水流条件进行研究。结果表明:上述措施能有效改善上游引航道通航水流条件,口门区横向流速超过0.30 m/s的流速值和测点数量比优先前大幅降低(约33%)和减少(约69%)。研究成果可为类似工程提供借鉴和参考。
      To the limitation of various factors such as river terrain conditions and overall layout of a ship lock,the upstream approach channel obliquely passes through the mainstream of the river and has a large intersection angle,and the lateral flow velocity of the navigable water is high.Numerical simulation and hydraulic model test are used to observe the overall upstream flow conditions of a newly built lock,and the optimization engineering measures combining the adjustment of the upstream route and the cutting of the convex bank are proposed and analyzed.The results shows that the above measures can effectively improve the navigable water flow conditions in the upstream approach channel,with a significant reduction(about 33%)and a decrease(about 69%)in the number of flow velocity values and measurement points in entrance area exceeding 0.30 m/s compared to before optimization.The research results can provide reference for similar projects.
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