王召兵,郭婷婷,周昔东,胡瑞昌,袁 浩.木京一线船闸泄水对下引航道水流条件的影响*[J].水运工程,2025,(2):127-134 |
木京一线船闸泄水对下引航道水流条件的影响* |
Impact of Mujing first-lane ship lock discharge pattern on flow conditions in lower approach channel |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 船闸泄水 共用引航道 水流条件 数值模拟 |
英文关键词:ship lock discharge sharing approach channel flow conditions numerical simulation |
重庆西科水运工程咨询有限公司科研项目(2024990002) |
摘要点击次数: 70 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
在双线船闸共用引航道工程背景下,船闸泄水时引航道内易产生非恒定流,造成引航道内流场紊乱,严重影响引航道内船舶航行和停泊安全。以木京船闸为例,基于RNG k-ε紊流模型,对引航道通航水力特性开展数值模拟研究,针对一线船闸泄水时对二线船闸及引航道内非恒定流通航条件进行分析。结果表明,一线船闸双边同时泄水时,引航道内流速不满足船舶航行和停靠要求,且在二线船闸隔流堤前沿形成回流及斜、横流,进而影响船舶进出二线船闸的安全;采用推荐的旁侧泄水方式后,引航道内水流流态得到改善,通航水流条件满足安全通航要求。研究成果可为双线船闸泄水方式提供解决思路。 |
英文摘要: |
In the context of the double-lane ship locks sharing approach channel project,unsteady flow is prone to occur in the approach channel during lock discharge,causing turbulence in the flow field inside the approach channel,seriously affecting the safety of ship navigation and docking in the approach channel.Taking Mujing ship lock as an example,based on the RNG k-ε turbulent flow model,the navigation hydraulic characteristics of the approach channel are numerically simulated,and the unsteady navigation conditions inside the second-lane lock and the approach channel are analyzed during the discharge of the first-lane ship lock.The results show that when both sides of the first-lane ship lock release water simultaneously,the flow velocity in the approach channel does not meet the requirements of ship navigation and docking,and the formation of reflux,oblique and transverse flow patterns at the front of the separation dike of the second-lane ship lock affects the safety of ships entering and exiting the second-lane ship lock.After adopting the recommended side discharge method,the flow pattern in the approach channel has been improved,and the navigation flow conditions meet the requirements of safe navigation.The research results can provide a solution for the discharge method of double-lane ship locks. |
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