王 能,李 明,陈叶华,乾东岳,章日红,普晓刚.曲线形隧洞式引航道通航断面尺度研究[J].水运工程,2025,(2):119-126 |
曲线形隧洞式引航道通航断面尺度研究 |
Navigable section size of curved tunnel type of approach channel |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 隧洞式引航道 非恒定水流 断面尺度 水工模型 自航船模 弯曲 |
英文关键词:tunnel type of approach channel unsteady current section size hydraulic model self-propelled ship model curved |
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中文摘要: |
当船闸与通航隧洞相连并直接从隧洞取水时,隧洞内将产生十分显著的非恒定水流,对船舶的安全航行影响较大。针对此种布置情况,提出船闸隧洞式引航道的概念,并依托贵州清水江白市水电站枢纽新建船闸工程,采用136正态整体水工模型与遥控自航船模相结合的技术手段,对多种断面尺度的隧洞式引航道在船闸灌泄水时的通航水流条件以及船舶航行参数进行试验研究,提出安全、经济的通航隧洞断面尺度及隧洞内船舶航行参数。结果表明,隧洞内船舶安全通航以水流流速不大于0.5 m/s、水位波动不大于0.5 m、船舶舵角不超过25°为判别标准;白市船闸通航隧洞推荐净宽为22 m。 |
英文摘要: |
When the ship lock is connected to the navigation tunnel and directly draws water from the tunnel,a significant unsteady current will be generated in the tunnel,which will greatly affect the safe navigation of ships.In view of this arrangement,we propose a concept of ship lock tunnel type of approach channel.Relying on the newly built ship lock project of the Baishi hydropower station in Qingshuijiang,Guizhou,we use a 136 normal overall hydraulic model and a combination of remote-controlled self-sailing ship models to study the navigation flow conditions and ship navigation parameters of the tunnel type of approach channel of various cross-section scales when the ship lock is filled and emptied with water,and propose the safe and economical cross-sectional dimensions of the navigation tunnel and the ship navigation parameters in the tunnel.The results show that the safety of ship navigation in the tunnel is determined by a flow velocity of no more than 0.5 m/s,a water level fluct of no more than 0.5 m,and a rudder angle of no more than 25°.The recommended clear width of the Baishi ship lock navigation tunnel is 22 m. |
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