Design of bottom protection structure of ro-ro wharf
中文关键词:  护底结构  底流速  螺旋桨射流  冲刷
英文关键词:bottom protection structure  bottom flow velocity  propeller jet  scour
蒋美娇 中交四航局港湾工程设计院有限公司广东 广州 510290 
李春保 中交四航局港湾工程设计院有限公司广东 广州 510290 
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      It is one of the important measures to ensure the overall safety and stability of the main structure of the straight wall wharf,the wave bottom current in front of the wall and the disturbing and scouring action of the propeller jet are two main factors considered in the design of the bottom protection structure.At present,the current design code for water transport engineering in China is comprehensive in the design ideas and methods of bottom protection structure with wave bottom current scouring in front of the wall.However,there is a lack of explicit calculation method for the scour caused by propeller jet and the design of bottom protection structure.This paper compares and analyzes the differences in the design of the front bottom protection structure of the straight wall wharf between the domestic and foreign codes,verifies them with engineering examples,and compares them with actual testing results.It explains the severity of the damage to the foundation bed caused by the jet erosion of the ship propeller in the ro-ro wharf and the importance of the bottom protection structure design,providing reference for the revision of relevant standards and regulations.
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