耿卫宁,宋海涛.自动化集装箱码头堆场布局[J].水运工程,2025,(2):81-88 |
自动化集装箱码头堆场布局 |
Layout of automated container terminal yard |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 自动化 集装箱 堆场装卸系统 堆场布局 作业效率 土地利用率 |
英文关键词:automation container yard handling system yard layout operational efficiency land utilization rate |
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摘要点击次数: 91 |
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中文摘要: |
在自动化码头海侧装卸、水平运输、堆场装卸、陆侧集疏运四大系统中,堆场装卸系统差异性最大。中国港口行业在堆场布局方面持续创新,在“垂直布局+端头交互”模式和“水平布局+道闸控制”模式的基础上,创新设计并应用转接模式和“垂直布局+U形通道”模式。通过对已投产不同堆场模式自动化码头数据收集,从安全性、土地利用率、作业效率、自动化程度、单箱能耗等关键指标上,研究分析不同堆场布局的特点,探索建立自动化码头堆场布局综合评价体系,全面、客观地评估不同布局模式,为自动化码头的建设和运营提供决策依据。并对当前正在规划的自动化码头堆场布局进行了分析。研究结果对新建自动化码头堆场布局规划设计和传统码头的自动化升级改造具有参考价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Among the four major systems in automated terminals- seaside loading and discharging,horizontal transportation,yard handling,landside collection and distribution-the yard handling system presents the greatest difference across terminals.The Chinese port industry continues to innovate in yard layouts,based on the “vertical layout + end interaction” mode and the “horizontal layout + gate control” mode,introducing innovative transfer modes as well as “vertical layout + U-shaped channel” design.Through data gathering from automated terminals with varied yard configurations that have been put into operation,this study analyzes the characteristics of different yard layouts in terms of key indicators such as safety,land utilization rate,operational efficiency,automation level and energy consumption per TEU.It explores the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system for the layout of automated terminals,providing a thorough and impartial assessment of various layout patterns to guide the construction and operation of automated terminals.The study also discusses the yard layouts for currently envisioned automated terminals.The research results have reference value for the layout planning and design of new automated terminal yards and the automation upgrading or renovation of traditional terminals. |
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