谢宇轩,王广生,鱼 童,管大为.淹没式开孔半圆堤波浪力数值模拟研究*[J].水运工程,2025,(2):17-26
Numerical study on wave force of perforated submerged semi-circular breakwaters
中文关键词:  半圆形防波堤  潜堤  数值模拟  波浪力  浅水波
英文关键词:semi-circular breakwater  submerged breakwater  numerical simulation  wave force  shallow water waves
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFE0126300); 国家优秀青年科学基金项目(52122109)
谢宇轩 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院江苏 南京 210024 
王广生 中国港湾工程有限责任公司北京 100027 
鱼 童 中国港湾工程有限责任公司北京 100027 
管大为 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院江苏 南京 210024 
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      The modern coastal protection systems place higher demands on the crest elevation and permeable of breakwaters.A three-dimensional numerical wave flume based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations is established to investigate the wave force of submerged perforated semi-circular breakwaters under the action of shallow water waves.The results indicate that there is a phase difference between the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the submerged semi-circular breakwater,with the critical sliding moment generally corresponding to the moment of maximum shoreward horizontal force.As the perforation rate increases from 0% to 25%,the dimensionless maximum shoreward and seaward horizontal forces on the submerged semi-circular breakwater decrease by 27.8% and 39.8%,respectively.With decreasing wave period and increasing submergence depth,the seaward sliding force on the submerged semi-circular breakwater increases.Empirical formulas provide conservative estimates for the total force on unperforated semi-circular breakwaters under long-period waves and extreme submergence conditions,and further overestimate the wave forces on submerged perforated semi-circular breakwaters.
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