周敬祥,潘海涛,陈永剑,闫 强,王宇龙,王超亮,张智森,王 帅.智慧运河总体架构与典型场景应用实践*[J].水运工程,2025,(2):9-16
Overall architecture and typical application scenarios of smart canal
中文关键词:  数字孪生  平陆运河  总体架构  智慧运河
英文关键词:digital twin  Pinglu Canal  overall framework  smart canal
周敬祥 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
潘海涛 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
陈永剑 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
闫 强 平陆运河集团有限公司广西 南宁 530029 
王宇龙 平陆运河集团有限公司广西 南宁 530029 
王超亮 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
张智森 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
王 帅 .中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
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      Pinglu Canal is the key project of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor,and building an efficient,intelligent,green,and resilient canal is an important component of the construction of Pinglu Canal with high standard and high-quality.By planning the overall architecture of the smart canal and combining the characteristics and needs of the construction and operation management of Pinglu Canal,the smart construction and management system is proposed as a typical application scenario including “full process integration and coordination of construction and management,full cycle digital twin of progress management,full process simulation and regulation of quality management,all-around early warning and prevention of safety management,and full-link monitoring and early warning of green management”,as well as the typical application scenarios of the smart operation system,including “one-net efficient coordination of operation management,one-body seamless coordination and linkage of operation and dispatch,one-map scientific and intelligent management of locks and maintenance,one-click coordinated and connected emergency response,and one-station efficient and convenient logistics services”.Furthermore,we summarize the innovative technical features of the digital twin Pinglu Canal from five aspects of “full-factorial three-dimensional perception,full-process digital twin,full-process simulation and simulation,all-around intelligent services,and full-technology self-developed and controllable”,which can provide reference for the construction of similar smart port and navigation projects.
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