张永恒,张 勇.沙坪河—郁江交汇口航道优化设计与试验研究*[J].水运工程,2025,(1):107-112
Optimized design and experimental study of navigation channel at confluence of Shaping River and Yu River
中文关键词:  航道设计  船舶操纵  沙坪河  郁江
英文关键词:channel design  ship manoeuvring  Shaping River  Yu River
张永恒 中水珠江规划勘测设计有限公司广东 广州 510610 
张 勇 中水珠江规划勘测设计有限公司广东 广州 510610 
摘要点击次数: 40
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      The angle of the confluence of Shaping River and Yu River is small,which is unfavourable for ships to turn and navigate,especially for ships entering and leaving Shaping River from the upper reaches of Yu River.In addition,a large number of residential houses are distributed on the islands on the right bank of the channel at the confluence,which makes land acquisition and demolition difficult.How to balance the navigation conditions with less land acquisition and less excavation is a difficult point in the channel route layout of this section.To achieve good seaworthiness and safety of ships in the canal channel,two channel routes are arranged according to the principle of straight line as the main and curve as the auxiliary.Through the comparison of technology and economy,the channel line with safe navigation,low construction difficulty and low engineering cost is selected.Furthermore,the representative ship type is selected and electronic channel chart is established for the ship manoeuvring simulation test.The ship model test shows that the channel width and turning radius of the optimised design meet the requirements of navigational safety.
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