唐 玮,翟宇昆,吴国鼎.平陆运河生态廊道建设研究*[J].水运工程,2025,(1):9-15
Ecological corridor construction of Pinglu Canal
中文关键词:  运河  生态廊道  生态涵养区  动物通道
英文关键词:canal  ecological corridor  ecological conservation area  animal passage
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFB2600183); 交通运输行业重点科技项目(2022-ZD7-119)
唐 玮 中交水运规划设计院有限公司中交集团内河水运建设技术研发中心北京 100007 
翟宇昆 中交水运规划设计院有限公司中交集团内河水运建设技术研发中心北京 100007 
吴国鼎 中交水运规划设计院有限公司中交集团内河水运建设技术研发中心北京 100007 
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      With the development of inland water transportation,the research and construction of large-scale artificial canals have continued to advance,so as the higher ecological and green requirements throughout the entire construction process.On the basis of the characteristics of the Pinglu Canal project and key ecological and environmental issues,we explore the construction and layout of ecological corridors along the canal.By dividing the corridor into aerial,underwater,terrestrial,and riverbank sections,we propose the design of ecological facility nodes such as animal passages and ecological conservation areas to enhance the connectivity of different ecological patches along the entire canal.By summarizing the construction and layout of ecological corridors for the Pinglu Canal,as well as the research of layout and design emphasis of ecological node facilities,we aim to provide valuable insights and references for the ecological construction of other cross-basin artificial canals.
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