陈 猛,胡兴昊,吴 浩,邹为明.长周期波强涌浪海况下自动化移动平台沉桩技术[J].水运工程,2024,(11):246-251
Pile driving technology of automated mobile platform under long period wave and strong sea swell conditions
中文关键词:  long period wave and strong sea swell  steel pipe pile  mobile platform  automate
陈 猛 中交四航局第二工程有限公司广东 广州 510230中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海)广东 珠海 519082 
吴 浩  
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      :Chancay Port project in Peru is located in a harsh sea area with long period waves and strong surging waves.There are a large number of steel pipe piles to be constructed without shielding,making it difficult to use traditional techniques for pile driving.A set of equipped automated mobile pile driving platform is developed based on the sea conditions and engineering characteristics.The main body of the platform is composed of horizontal and vertical steel box beams spliced with bolt flanges.The platform movement is driven by a track beam and an automated hydraulic cylinder pushing system.Multiple double layer pile holding frames are installed on the platform to stabilize and position the piles.A set of automated monitoring and control system is also developed for the intelligent operation of the platform.Based on the usage characteristics of the platform,the steel pipe pile driving technology of platform method is proposed.Practice proves that the platform and related technologies have successfully solved the multiple difficulties of steel pipe pile driving under harsh sea conditions,achieving good economic benefits,which can provide reference for similar projects.
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