Analysis and treatment measures for post construction settlement of stockyards in deep soft soil areas of Zhanjiang Port
中文关键词:  堆场  软土  堆载预压  工后沉降  软基处理
英文关键词:stockyard  soft soil  preloading  post construction settlement  soft foundation treatment
张会荣 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司广东 广州 510290 
摘要点击次数: 20
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      The foundation soil layer of a certain engineering stockyard in Zhanjiang Port is a deep soft soil foundation composed of recently manually backfilled plain fill soil and original marine sedimentary silt and muddy soil.The plain fill soil is extremely uneven and in an undercompacted state.The silt and muddy soil layers have low bearing capacity,high water content,and are high-pressure compressible soft soil.The foundation treatment adopts preloading.After the completion of the project,long-term settlement observation is conducted on the settlement of the stockyard.The observation data shows that the four stockyards all have different sizes of settlement.This article summarizes the main characteristics and laws of post construction settlement of the stockyard,and analyzes the main influencing factors that cause settlement.To reduce post construction settlement and uneven settlement of the stockyard,targeted treatment measures such as stockyard operation management,soft foundation treatment design,and drainage design are proposed based on the function,area,load,and geological data of the stockyard,which can effectively eliminate the impact of later settlement on the normal production and operation of the stockyard.The aim is to provide reference for the design and management of similar projects in the future.
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