谭 静,袁 浩,胡瑞昌,谢春航,梁浩然,谭家万.木京船闸输水系统进水口优化布置数值研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(10):110-117
Numerical study on optimal arrangement of water inlet in water delivery system for Mujing ship locks
中文关键词:  通航船闸  进水口布置  水力特性  输水系统
英文关键词:navigable ship lock  water inlet arrangement  hydraulic characteristic  water delivery system
基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金项目(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX1175); 重庆市交通科技项目(CQJT-ZCXM2023-11)
谭 静 重庆交通大学 交通运输学院,重庆 400074
重庆 404000重庆交通大学,西南水利水运工程科学研究院,重庆 402247
,重庆西科水运工程咨询有限公司,重庆 402247
重庆交通大学 河海学院
,重庆 400074 
袁 浩  
摘要点击次数: 28
全文下载次数: 0
      船闸灌泄水时会引起闸室内水流流态不稳定,极端情况下还会扰乱自由液面流场,严重威胁船舶的停泊安全、影响船闸通航效率。受多因素影响,木京船闸目前正面临进出口水流条件恶化、闸室内往复流影响、引航道通航水流条件超标、船舶航行条件差等多重技术难题。采用RNG k-ε紊流模型对船闸输水系统进水口布置进行三维模拟,研究其水力特性、局部水流条件等,基于木京船闸输水系统进水口设计方案,详细分析讨论船闸在运行过程中的水力学关键技术问题,提出优化建议措施。结果表明:喉口宽度和布置顺序显著影响进水口水流流态,通过改变喉口宽度与间距可有效改善进水条件、稳定水流流态,改善进流不均的问题。
      :Unstable flow pattern inside the ship lock is caused by filling and draining the ship lock.In extreme cases,jets can disrupt the free-surface flow field,which poses a serious threat to the safety of the ship at berth and affects the efficiency of ship lock navigation.Influenced by many factors,Mujing ship locks are now facing technical problems such as deterioration of water flow conditions at the entrance and exit of the approach channel,mutual influence of water flow in the approach channel during filling and draining,influence of reciprocating flow,exceeding of navigational water flow conditions in the shared approach channel,and poor navigational conditions for ships.The RNG k-ε turbulent model is adopted to simulate the layout of the water inlet in the water delivery system for ship locks,and hydraulic characteristics and localized hydrographic conditions are studied.Based on the design scheme of water delivery system of Mujing ship locks,the key technical problems of hydraulics during the operation of ship locks are analyzed and discussed in detail,and optimization measures are proposed.The results show that the width of the throat and the order of arrangement significantly affect the flow pattern of the water inlet.The width and spacing of the throat can be changed to effectively improve the water inlet conditions,stabilize the water flow pattern and improve the problem of uneven inlet flow.
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