刘海欣,王 更,张丽珍.陆丰甲湖湾电厂配套码头水工结构创新[J].水运工程,2024,(10):56-62
Innovation of hydraulic structrue in Jiahuwan Power Plant supporting wharf in Lufeng
中文关键词:  重力式码头  沉箱  不均匀沉降  大小泊位过渡
英文关键词:gravity wharf  caisson  uneven settlement  convergence between large and small berths
刘海欣 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
王 更  
摘要点击次数: 19
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      码头面不均匀沉降、大小泊位衔接不顺等是重力式码头中的常见质量问题。广东陆丰甲湖湾电厂1、2号机组和3、4号机组配套码头为岸壁式重力式码头,相比常规码头2 000 t左右的沉箱构件,该码头主体采用4 600 t以上的超大沉箱,减少了构件和结构缝数量,并通过统一主要构件的受力条件、设置过渡板针对性解决码头面不均匀沉降,通过设置过渡沉箱和预制块体解决了大小泊位衔接处的基床夯实问题。同时在码头结构与上部结构一体化设计以及附属设施选型方面均进行了一系列创新,实践表明达到了预期效果。
      The uneven settlement of wharf surface and the unsmooth convergence between large and small berths are common quality problems in the gravity wharf.The supporting wharf of No.1-2 generating units and No.3-4 generating units of Jiahuwan Power Plant in Lufeng,Guangdong is a shore-wall gravity wharf.Compared with the caisson components of about 2,000 t of conventional wharves,the main body of the this wharf is adopted a super-large caisson with a mass of more than 4,600 t,which reduces the number of components and structural joints.By unifying the loading conditions of the main components and setting the transition plate,the uneven settlement of the wharf surface is solved.By setting the transition caisson and the prefabricated block,the foundation compaction at the convergence between large and small berths is solved.At the same time,a series of innovations is made in the integrated design of marine structure and superstructure and the selection of ancillary facilities.The practice shows that the expected results is achieved.
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