王文渊,陈林涛,徐星璐,李 鑫.沿海港口疏浚工程悬浮物浓度遥感反演研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(10):8-13
Remote sensing inversion of suspended particulate matter concentration in coastal port dredging project
中文关键词:  疏浚工程  遥感监测  悬浮物浓度  倾倒区  GOCI II
英文关键词:dredging project  remote sensing monitoring  suspended particulate matter concentration  dumping area  GOCI II
基金项目::国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB2600200); 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目(XLYC2203018)
王文渊 大连理工大学辽宁 大连 116024 
李 鑫  
摘要点击次数: 25
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      为对沿海港口疏浚工程产生的悬浮物浓度进行有效的高时空分辨率动态监测,利用静止轨道卫星GOCI Ⅱ高时空分辨率的优势,根据实测水质样本悬浮物浓度数据和卫星遥感影像预处理后的遥感反射率,采用参数相关分析方法选取反演波段,建立基于单波段和波段比值的指数、线性、对数、多项式等反演模型,比选出最优模型并进行验证。应用该模型对某港区某日航道维护性疏浚作业水域以及倾倒水域的悬浮物浓度变化情况进行监测,结果表明其高时空分辨率的优势能更好地适应范围小、水质变化迅速的疏浚作业区和倾倒区特点,可追踪监测工程区域及周围海域悬浮物浓度的连续变化,为绿色疏浚提供参考。
      To effectively and dynamically monitor the concentration of suspended particulate matter produced by dredging projects in harbor waters with high spatial and temporal resolution,this study utilizes the advantages of the geostationary satellite GOCI II,and based on the single band and the band ratio,the inversion bands are selected through parametric correlation analysis.According to the measured suspended particulate matter concentration data of water quality samples and the remote sensing reflectance data after satellite remote sensing image preprocessing,the parameter correlation analysis method is used to select the inversion band,and the exponential,linear,logarithmic and polynomial inversion models based on single band and band ratio are established,and the optimal model is selected and verified.The model is used to monitor the variation of suspended particulate matter concentration in the channel maintenance dredging operation water area and the dumping water area of a port area on a certain day.The results show that the advantages of high spatial and temporal resolution can better adapt to the characteristics of dredging operation area and dumping area with small range and rapid water quality change.It can track and monitor the continuous change of suspended particulate matter concentration in the project area and surrounding waters,and provide reference for green dredging.
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