朱镇洲.超深厚软土地区板桩坞墙的计算*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):232-237 |
超深厚软土地区板桩坞墙的计算* |
Calculation of sheet-pile dock wall in ultra-deep thick soft soil area |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 板桩式坞墙 软土 PLAXIS HS模型 |
英文关键词:sheet-pile dock wall soft soil PLAXIS HS model |
基金项目:上海市优秀学术/技术带头人计划资助项目(23XD1434800) |
摘要点击次数: 159 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
板桩坞墙结构由于其经济性而广泛应用于软土地区船坞设计中,但目前存在前墙位移过大且位移限值不明确、计算结果与实际情况不适应等问题。以某境外工程的板桩坞墙为例,结合其施工工序和结构特点,采用PLAXIS软件进行数值模拟计算,与实测数据进行对比;在优化模型的基础上进行不同工况下的结构计算,推导结构位移及内力变化规律。结果表明:超深厚软土地区板桩坞墙结构采用硬化土模型计算的精确度较高;硬化土模型的土体参数中,割线模量E50敏感度最高,无试验数据时E50建议取2~2.5倍标贯击数,卸载-再加载模量Eur建议取3倍E50;考虑坞室底板桩基与坞墙前土体的桩土共同作用时,坞墙的水平位移计算结果最大值降低约30%,计算板桩坞墙时应考虑底板桩基对坞墙的作用。 |
英文摘要: |
Sheet-pile dock wall is widely used in dock design at soft soil area because of its economy,but there are some problems,such as excessive displacement of front wall,unclear displacement limit,calculation results are not adapted to the actual situation.This paper takes a sheet-pile dock wall of an overseas project as an example,uses PLAXIS software to carry out numerical simulation calculation combining with the construction process and structural characteristics of the dock wall,and compare with the actual measured data.Then the paper carris out the structural calculation under different working conditions on the basis of optimization model,and deduces rules of structural displacement and internal force change.The results show that the hardening soil model is more accurate to calculate the structure of sheet-pile dock wall in ultra-deep soft soil area.Among the soil parameters of hardening soil model,the secant modulus E50 is the most sensitive.When there is no test data,E50 is recommended as 2~2.5 times SPT blow count,unloading-reloading modulus Eur is recommended as 3 times E50.Considering the interaction between pile of dock slab and soil in front of the dock wall,the maximum horizontal displacement of the dock wall is reduced by about 30%.The effect of pile foundation of dock slab should be considered when calculating of dock wall. |
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