王 幸,桑登峰,胡兴昊,娄学谦,王琼与.深厚软岩地质钢管桩可打性分析及沉桩试验[J].水运工程,2024,(12):224-231
Drivability analysis and pile driving test of steel pipe pile in deep soft rock geology
中文关键词:  软岩地质  钢管桩  可打性分析  土塞效应  贯入度  承载力
英文关键词:soft rock geology  steel pipe pile  drivability analysis  plugging effect  penetration  bearing capacity
王 幸 中交四航工程研究院有限公司中交集团交通基础工程环保与安全重点实验室广东 广州 510230 
桑登峰 中交四航工程研究院有限公司中交集团交通基础工程环保与安全重点实验室广东 广州 510231 
胡兴昊 中交四航工程研究院有限公司中交集团交通基础工程环保与安全重点实验室广东 广州 510232 
娄学谦 中交四航工程研究院有限公司中交集团交通基础工程环保与安全重点实验室广东 广州 510233 
王琼与 中交四航工程研究院有限公司中交集团交通基础工程环保与安全重点实验室广东 广州 510234 
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      在深厚软岩施工的钢管桩,其桩尖入岩深度存在不确定性。依托实际工程,通过可打性分析、现场足尺沉桩试验和承载力测试开展深厚软岩地质钢管桩的沉桩施工试验研究。结果表明:在深厚软岩施工的钢管桩,桩尖宜采取敞口形式,尽量减小打桩过程中的土塞效应,保证钢管桩的入岩深度;泥岩中打桩时的土塞效应系数可较静载时的取值适当小,泥质灰岩中的土塞效应系数可参考静载时的取值,直径1 000 mm敞口钢管桩土塞系数可取0.45,直径1 200 mm时可取0.33;当锤击能量有限时,入深厚软岩的钢管桩终锤贯入度可相比常规地质的贯入度适当减小,可将1 mm/击作为终锤标准。
      The construction depth of steel pipe pile into deep soft rock is uncertain.Based on an actual project,a test study on the construction of steel pipe pile driving into deep soft rock is carried out by drivability analysis,full size pile driving test and bearing capacity test.The results show that for steel pipe pile into deep soft rock,the pile tip should adopt open form,so as to minimize the soil plug effect during the pile driving process and ensure the depth into soft rock.The soil plug effect coefficient during piling in mudstone can be smaller than that under static load condition,and the soil plug effect coefficient in argillaceous limestone can be referred to that under the static load condition,the soil plug coefficient for open-end steel pipe pile with diameter of 1,000 mm can be 0.45,and 0.33 for diameter of 1,200 mm.When the hammer energy is limited,the final hammering penetration of steel pipe pile into deep soft rock can be appropriately reduced compared with the final hammering penetration of conventional geology,and 1 mm per stroke can be used as the final penetration standard.
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