王开放,朱 艳,周杰鑫,邵云怡,曹宏泰,叶子尧.多排桩式岸壁结构遮帘挡土效应分析*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):217-223
Retaining effect of covered pile on multi-row pile quay wall
中文关键词:  多排桩式岸壁结构  遮帘桩  挡土效应  三维有限元分析
英文关键词:multi-row pile quay wall  covered pile  retaining effect  3D finite element analysis
基金项目:上海市优秀学术/技术带头人项目(23XD1434800) 中建股份科技研发课题项目(CSCEC-2022-Z-22)
王开放 中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司上海 200090上海市海洋工程和船厂水工特种工程技术研究中心上海 200090 
朱 艳 中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司上海 200090上海市海洋工程和船厂水工特种工程技术研究中心上海 200090 
周杰鑫 中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司上海 200090上海市海洋工程和船厂水工特种工程技术研究中心上海 200090 
邵云怡 中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司上海 200090上海市海洋工程和船厂水工特种工程技术研究中心上海 200090 
曹宏泰 中建港航局集团有限公司上海 200433 
叶子尧 中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司上海 200090上海市海洋工程和船厂水工特种工程技术研究中心上海 200090 
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      多排桩式岸壁结构由多排桩、卸荷板、防汛墙、回填砂等组成,是一种可兼做工作码头的新型永久结构。遮帘挡土效应在板桩码头中已有较多研究,但在多排桩式岸壁结构中尚缺乏。本文依托长兴某港池工程,通过三维有限元软件PLAXIS 3D 建立多排桩式岸壁结构,研究有无遮帘桩、前排桩与遮帘桩的排距、后排遮帘桩桩间距、前排桩桩身刚度对多排桩式岸壁结构排桩内力和变形的影响,得出如下结论:有后排遮帘桩时,多排桩式岸壁结构的整体位移较小,且前排桩的弯矩较小;前后排桩的排距、遮帘桩桩间距和前排桩的刚度都影响前排桩的内力,前排桩的内力随着前后排距、遮帘桩间距减少而减少,随着前排桩的刚度降低而降低;考虑场地条件及工程造价方面,评价不同参数对于遮帘挡土效应的敏感性:前排桩桩身刚度>前排桩与遮帘桩的排距>后排遮帘桩桩间距;在此基础上,提出优化设计方案,相比原方案前排桩弯矩可降低50%,为后续工程应用提供一定的借鉴。
      The multi-row pile quay wall is a new permanent structure composed of multiple piles,relieving slab,flood control walls,backfill sand,etc.,which can also serve as a working wharf.The retaining effect of covered pile has been widely studied in sheet pile wharf,but it is still lacking in multi-row pile quay wall structures.Relying on the Changxing harbor Pool Project,this paper establishes a multi-row pile quay wall structure through the three-dimensional finite element software PLAXIS 3D,and studies the influence of whether there are covered piles,the row spacing between the front pile and the covered pile,the spacing between the covered pile,and the stiffness of the front pile on the internal force and deformation of the multi-row pile quay wall.The following conclusions are drawn when there are covered piles,the overall displacement of the multi-row pile quay wall is small,and the bending moment of the front pile is less.The spacing between the front and rear rows of piles,the distance between the covered piles,and the stiffness of the front piles all affect the internal force of the front piles.The internal force of the front piles decreases as the distance between the front rear rows of piles and the distance between the covered piles decrease,and decreases as the stiffness of the front piles decreases.Considering the site conditions and project cost,the sensitivity of different parameters to the retaining effect of the curtain is evaluated:the stiffness of the front pile > the spacing between the front pile and the covered pile > the spacing between the rear row covered pile.On this basis,an optimized design scheme is proposed,which can reduce the bending moment of the front pile by 50% compared with the original scheme,providing a certain reference for subsequent engineering applications.
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