许津玲,刘思凯,张 毅,詹永渝.鲤鱼山水道航道整治工程前后分流比变化分析[J].水运工程,2024,(12):186-191 |
鲤鱼山水道航道整治工程前后分流比变化分析 |
Variation of split ratio before and after channel regulation project of Liyushan Waterway |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 航道整治 分流比 航道条件 |
英文关键词:waterway regulation split ratio channel condition |
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摘要点击次数: 171 |
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中文摘要: |
鲤鱼山水道位于长江干线武汉—安庆段,由于南槽冲深发展引起北槽过流能力减小、水流分散,黄莲洲心滩极不稳定,北槽航道条件有恶化的趋势。为遏制水道的不利发展,2015年对其实施了整治工程。为研究整治工程的实施效果,通过数模、物模资料及工程实施前后的观测资料对比,分析南北槽分流比变化情况。结果表明,整治工程实施后北槽枯水分流比明显增加,遏制了黄莲洲心滩冲刷趋势,维护了河段河势稳定,北槽航道条件得到改善,实现了航道整治目标。 |
英文摘要: |
Liyushan Waterway is located in the section of the Yangtze River trunk from Wuhan to Anqing.Due to the development of the south trough flushing,the flow capacity of the north trough is reduced and the flow is dispersed.So the central beach of Huanglianzhou is extremely unstable and the waterway condition of the north channel is deteriorating.The waterway regulation project was carried out in 2015 for curbing the adverse development.To study the implementation effect of the regulation project,the variation of the split ratio of the north trough and south trough is analyzed by comparing the data of numerical model,physical model and the observation data before and after the implementation of the project.The results show that the split ratio of the north channel during low water has significantly increased after the project.The project curbs the erosion trend of the central beach of Huanglianzhou,keeps the stability of the river section and improves the conditions of the north channel.The goals of the regulation project are achieved. |
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