Tidal characteristics in entrance channel of Taizhou Toumen Port
中文关键词:  潮流  准调和分析  调和常数  潮流椭圆  余流
英文关键词:tidal current  quasi harmonic analysis  harmonic constant  tidal current ellipse  residual current
郇彩云 浙江省深远海风电技术研究重点实验室浙江 杭州 310014中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司浙江 杭州 310014 
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      利用头门港进港航道水域的实测潮流资料,通过潮流准调和分析,研究潮流分布运动特征,结果表明:1)进港航道水域的最大流速为111 cm/s,头门岛前沿航段的流速略大于外海航段,大潮流速大于小潮流速,流速的垂向分布呈现由表层向中层和底层逐渐减小。2)影响进港航道水域的主要是M2分潮流,潮流类型为正规半日浅海潮流;潮流的运动特征为往复流,潮流椭圆较为扁平;可能最大流速为80~145 cm/s。3)余流量值不大,最大量值为9.2 cm/s,总体上外海航段余流略大于头门港前沿航段;头门港前沿航段余流方向指向落潮流向,外海航段余流方向指向涨潮流向。
      Using the measured tidal data of the entrance channel of Toumen Port,the distribution and movement characteristics of tidal currents are studied through quasi harmonic analysis.The results showed that:1) The maximum flow velocity of the entrance channel is 111 cm/s.The flow velocity of the leading section of Toumen Island is slightly higher than that of the offshore section,and the flow velocity of the spring tide is greater than that of the neap tide.The vertical distribution of flow velocity gradually decreased from the surface to the middle and bottom layers.2)The main factor affecting the sea area of the entrance channel is M2-point tidal current,which is a regular semi diurnal shallow sea tidal current.The motion characteristic of tidal current is reciprocating flow,and the tidal ellipse is relatively flat,the maximum flow rate may be between 80-145 cm/s.3) The residual flow value is not significant,with a maximum value of 9.2 cm/s.Overall,the residual flow in the offshore segment is slightly higher than that in the forward segment of Toumen Port.The direction of residual current in the forward section of Toumen Port points towards the ebb tide direction,while the direction of residual current in the offshore section points towards the rising tide direction.
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