Different standards comparison of buried depth requirements of underwater tunnel in trunk stream of the Yangtze River
中文关键词:  水下隧道  埋置深度  航道底高程  最大冲刷  标准修订
英文关键词:underwater tunnel  buried depth  bottom elevation of waterway  max flush  standard revision
李靓亮 中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司中国铁建股份有限公司桥梁工程实验室湖北 武汉 430063 
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      近年来,长江干线水下隧道数量日益增加。针对水下隧道埋置深度问题,分析GB 50139—2014《内河通航标准》、JTS 180-4—2020《长江干线通航标准》及JTS 180-3—2018《海轮航道通航标准》的技术要求,结合2个典型案例对3个标准进行对比分析,并提出对标准相应条款进行修订的建议。结果表明:不同隧址河道特性及航道条件等不相同,3个标准对埋置深度要求差异大,部分条款甚至与实际不完全相符,若执行不当,会对水下隧道纵断面布置造成较大影响。建议长江干线水下隧道埋置深度不宜教条以3个标准中某一标准确定控制线,应结合隧址断面河床现状、可能冲刷等情况综合对比分析后,选择科学合理的条款予以执行。
      In recent years,the number of underwater tunnels in the trunk stream of the Yangtze River has increased.In response to the problem of the buried depths of underwater tunnels,we analyze requirements of GB 50139-2014 Navigation Standard of Inland Waterway,JTS 180-4-2020 Navigation Standard of the Trunk Stream Changjiang River,and JTS 180-3-2018 Navigation Standard of Waterways for Seagoing Vessel.Then we analyze and compare requirements in the three standards combining with two cases,and put forward suggestions for revising corresponding terms of standards.The results show that waterways characteristics and conditions of different tunnel sites are different,the three standards have a large difference in requirements of the buried depth,and some terms are even incomplete to the actual situation.If executed improperly,it will have a greater impact on the vertical layout of the underwater tunnel.It is recommended that buried depths of underwater tunnels in the trunk stream of the Yangtze River should not be used to determine the control line at a certain standard in the three standards.After comprehensive comparative analysis of the current situation of the river bed of the section of the tunnel,and possible scour,the scientific and reasonable clause should be implemented after comprehensive comparison and analysis.
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