张 志,袁 浩,夏春华,田海峰,陈文兵,吴 宏.乌江通天槽滩段航道整治工程方案优化*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):144-151 |
乌江通天槽滩段航道整治工程方案优化* |
Optimization of waterway regulation project scheme for Tongtiancao Beach of Wu River |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 乌江 航道整治 河工模型 通航水流条件 |
英文关键词:Wu River waterway regulation river model navigable flow condition |
重庆西科水运工程咨询有限公司揭榜挂帅项目(2024990002) |
摘要点击次数: 185 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
通天槽滩险治理是乌江航道整治的关键性工程。乌江白马枢纽建成后可提高航道的通航能力,但水位升高会导致现有的部分江心洲、浅滩变成暗礁碍航。针对通天槽滩段航道局部水流急、流态差、扫弯水严重等问题,采用河工模型试验对设计整治方案的通航水流条件开展研究。结果显示设计整治方案虽改善了通航水流条件,使得通天槽滩段航道在白马枢纽建成后基本满足尺度要求,但其挖槽设计未遵循河势,使得航道走向与中水期水流动力轴线交角较大,不利于退水冲刷及航槽稳定。针对设计整治方案的不足,考虑工程投资及施工难易程度,提出了更适合本次航道整治工程的优化建议措施。研究结果可为类似航道整治工程提供科学依据和技术支撑。 |
英文摘要: |
The Tongtiancao beach regulation is a key project for the regulation of the Wu River waterway.The completion of the Baima Hub on the Wu River will improve the navigability of the waterway,but the rising water level will cause some of the existing river barriers and shoals to become reefs and obstruct navigation.For the channel of Tongtiancao Beach,there are problems such as rapid local water flow,poor flow pattern,and serious water sweeping bends,this paper adopts the river model test to study the navigational current conditions of the designed regulation plan.The results show that although the waterway regulation scheme has improved the navigational flow conditions,which makes the channel of Tongtiancao Beach basically meet the scale requirements after the completion of Baima Hub,but its dredging design does not follow the river situation,which makes the direction of the channel and the intersection of mid-water current power axis larger,which is not conducive to the receding scouring and navigation channel stability.In view of the shortcomings of the designed remediation scheme,and considering the project investment and construction difficulty,the optimisation measures more suitable for this channel remediation project are proposed.The research results can provide scientific basis and technical support for similar waterway regulation projects. |
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