周树高,陈潇逸,杨 行.新型河海快通闸海水入侵数值模拟研究[J].水运工程,2024,(12):124-131
Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion of new type of navigable lock in seaward waterway
中文关键词:  通航建筑物  数值模拟  海水入侵  防咸措施  河海直达
英文关键词:navigation structure  numerical simulation  seawater intrusion  anti-salinity measure  direct transport between river and sea
周树高 上海中交水运设计研究有限公司上海 200092 
陈潇逸 上海中交水运设计研究有限公司上海 200092 
杨 行 同济大学 土木工程学院上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 180
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      To research the influence of seawater intrusion when the new navigable lock is used in Jinhuigang waterway,a three-dimensional numerical model is established based on the saltwater convective diffusion theory,and the verified model is used to simulate the process of seawater intrusion into the inland river in the form of heavy flow through the new navigable lock.Based on the average salinity,salt water intrusion distance,salt water exchange rate,the anti-salt effect of the new navigable lock is analyzed.The results of simulation and analysis show that seawater intrusion gradually invades the lock chamber and inland river during the process of dilution and mixing with freshwater,and the average salinity of seawater decreases with the increase of intrusion distance.With the salt deposition in the salt-collecting area,the seawater upstream velocity gradually decreases.The seawater intrusion distance is basically stable after a period of operation of the facility,and the salt exchange rate gradually tends to be dynamic equilibrium.The new navigable lock adopts the anti-salinity measures of salt collecting area and runoff flushing,which can further enhance the anti-salinity effect of the new navigable lock.The research results can provide scientific basis for the design and application of the new navigable lock in the direct waterway of river and sea.
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