郑国诞,刘 烨,唐子文,胡成飞,樊立东,杨元平.多因子影响下的钱塘江通航保证率研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):105-110 |
多因子影响下的钱塘江通航保证率研究* |
Navigation guarantee rate of Qiantang River under influence of multiple factors |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 钱塘江航道 涌潮 径流 水深 通航保证率 |
英文关键词:Qiantang River channel tidal bore runoff depth of water guarantee rate of navigation |
浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY22E090007) |
摘要点击次数: 196 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
钱塘江闻堰—八堡段为钱塘江河流河口段,河床冲淤剧烈,水深受地形影响变化较大,直接影响船舶通航,此外受上游径流及涌潮影响,航道通航保证率计算较为复杂。为此,利用2007年以来历年的水下地形,综合考虑涌潮、径流、水深等因子对钱塘江闻堰—八堡段的实际通航保证率进行分析。结果表明,2007—2020年满足3.8 m水深条件的通航保证率为60.1%~79.8%,满足3.5 m水深条件的通航保证率为71.9%~87.5%,满足3.2 m水深条件的通航保证率为81.1%~97.0%,与实际较为吻合。研究方法对河床冲淤变幅较大且动力条件较为复杂的河口区通航保证率分析具有参考意义。 |
英文摘要: |
The section from Wenyan to Babao is located at the mouth of Qiantang River,the riverbed undergoes severe erosion and siltation,and the water depth is greatly affected by the terrain,which directly affects the navigation of ships.In addition,the calculation of navigation guarantee is complicated due to the influence of upstream runoff and tidal bore.Therefore,this paper analyzes the actual navigation guarantee rate of the Wenyan to Babao section of Qiantang River using the underwater terrain of various years since 2007,taking into account factors such as tidal bore,runoff,and water depth.The results show that during the period from 2007 to 2020,the navigation guarantee rates under the water depth of 3.8 m,3.5 m and 3.2 m are 60.1%-79.8%,71.9%-87.5%,and 81.1%-97.0%,respectively,which is consistent with the reality.The research method is of reference significance to the analysis of navigation guarantee rate in estuarine areas with large changes in riverbed erosion and sedimentation,and complex dynamic conditions. |
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