邵鹏飞,贾 瑞,万 宇,张帅帅.不同来流流速和布设间距下人工鱼礁组合的流场效应研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):97-104
Effect of artificial reef assemblage with different inflow velocities and layout spacings on flow field
中文关键词:  长江上游  三棱柱人工鱼礁组合  上升流  背涡流  数值模拟
英文关键词:upper reaches of the Yangtze River  triangular prism artificial reef assemblage  upwelling  back-eddy flow  numerical simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52279058) 长江航道局科研项目(KY2022-01、YG04-CF-QT-2021024)
邵鹏飞 长江宜昌航道工程局湖北 宜昌 443000 
贾 瑞 重庆交通大学国家内河航道整治工程技术研究中心重庆 400074 
万 宇 重庆交通大学国家内河航道整治工程技术研究中心重庆 400074 
张帅帅 长江重庆航运工程勘察设计院重庆 401147 
摘要点击次数: 199
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      人工鱼礁的投放可改善河流局部水域的生态环境,为鱼类等水生生物营造良好的栖息环境。基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法,研究长江上游三棱柱人工鱼礁组合的水动力特性,并以上升流和背涡流的几何特征为参数,分析不同来流流速(1.5、2.4和3.0 m/s)和布设间距(0.5、1.5和2.5 m)对流场效应的影响。结果表明:随着来流流速的增加,在相同人工鱼礁组合工况下上升流和背涡流的几何特征值变化不大;随着布设间距的增加,相同人工鱼礁组合工况下上升流、背涡流最大高度和体积等几何特征值先增加后减小,1.5 m为最优布设间距;而在同一流速或布设间距下,随着人工鱼礁组合数量的增加,上升流、背涡流最大高度和体积逐渐增加,7个为1组的人工鱼礁为最优组合。
      The deployment of artificial reefs can improve the ecological environment of local water areas in rivers,creating a favorable habitat for aquatic organisms such as fish.Based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method,we study the hydrodynamic characteristics of a combination of triangular prism artificial reefs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.Using the geometric features of upwelling and back-eddy flows as parameters,we analyze effect of different inflow velocities (1.5 m/s,2.4 m/s,and 3.0 m/s) and layout spacings (0.5 m,1.5 m,and 2.5 m) on the flow field.The results show that with an increase in inflow velocity,the geometric characteristics of upwelling and back-eddy flow show minimal variation under the same artificial reef combination condition.As the layout spacing increases,the geometric characteristics such as the maximum height and volume of upwelling and back-eddy flow initially increase and then decrease under the same artificial reef combination condition,with 1.5 m being the optimal deployment spacing.Additionally,under the same flow velocity or layout spacing,an increase in the number of artificial reef combinations leads to a gradual increase in the maximum height and volume of upwelling and back-eddy flow,with a configuration of seven reefs as the optimal combination.
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