郑帅恒,孙 英,刘 学.基于欧洲标准板桩码头钢拉杆设计计算方法[J].水运工程,2024,(12):82-87 |
基于欧洲标准板桩码头钢拉杆设计计算方法 |
Calculation method for design of steel tie rods of sheet pile wharf based on European codes |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 板桩码头 钢拉杆 设计计算方法 |
英文关键词:sheet pile wharf steel tie rod design and calculation method |
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摘要点击次数: 180 |
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中文摘要: |
针对当前钢拉杆国内设计方法在海外应用认可度不高的现状,详细介绍欧标中对于钢拉杆的杆体及组成构件(连接板、销轴)的计算理论、方法和过程,并结合实例进行设计计算。结果表明:钢拉杆的抗拉承载力受杆体光圆段和螺纹段抗拉承载力最小值控制;设计时可以采取在杆体中加入单向铰等措施避免弯矩出现,此时缺口系数可取0.9,螺纹段抗拉承载力也可增加50%;销轴尺寸确定时应同时满足其抗弯验算、抗压验算、抗剪验算和弯剪组合验算;确定连接板尺寸时,可以将销轴直径稍微增加,作为板上开孔尺寸进行设计计算。 |
英文摘要: |
Aiming at the current status quo that the domestic design method of steel tie rods is lack of recognition in overseas applications,we introduce in detail the calculation theory,method and process of steel tie rods body and components (connecting plates,pins) in European codes,meanwhile carry out design and calculation with examples.The results show that the tensile resistance of the steel tie rod body is controlled by the minimum value of tensile resistance between shaft and threads.In the design,some measures can be taken to avoid bending moments occurring in the rod such as one-way hinges,at which time the notch coefficient can be taken as the value of 0.9,and the threaded section's tensile resistance can increase by 50%.The diameter of pin should be determined to satisfy the requirements of the bending resistance,bearing resistance,shear resistance and combined shear and bending resistance. The diameter of pin can be slightly increased as the size of the plate openings when the size of connecting plate is designed. |
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