丁泽祥,别社安,朱 铭,徐 韬.厚抛石基床重力式码头结构应力分布规律研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):57-62
Stress distribution of  deep rubble-bedding foundation for gravity quay
中文关键词:  重力式码头  厚抛石基床  结构优化  判别标准
英文关键词:gravity quay  deep rubble-bedding foundation  structure optimization  discrimination standard
丁泽祥 江西交通职业技术学院江西 南昌 330013 
别社安 天津大学天津 300072 
朱 铭 江西交通职业技术学院江西 南昌 330013 
徐 韬 江西交通职业技术学院江西 南昌 330013 
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      To solve the problem that the design technical standard of the deep rubble-bedding foundation for gravity quay is not systematically studied.The stress state,design methods and theories of gravity quay with the deep rubble-bedding foundation have been studied.Based on the introduction for a typical gravity quay with a deep rubble-bedding foundation,this paper used theory analysis,numerical simulation and design calculation methods to study on the optimization design of the deep rubble-bedding foundation for gravity quay.The stress distribution laws of the deep rubble-bedding foundation is summarized,an improved algorithm is proposed for the stress of the deep rubble-bedding foundation,the upper and lower limit values of the bottom width of foundation trench excavation and the cross-section of riprap body in foundation trench,the identification criteria of the deep rubble-bedding foundation are proposed.The results show that the stress of the deep rubble-bedding is not within the slope line of 1:1.5 on the front side of the front toe,and with the deepening of the depth,the the stress distribution shows a trend of increasing in the front and decreasing in the back,similar in the front and back,and decreasing in the front and increasing in the back.The improved algorithm is much better than the standard method,the discrimination standard of the deep rubble-bedding foundation is defined.The research conclusion enriches the design theory of gravity quay,which provides reference and guidance for similar engineering designs.
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