吴月勇,苏 丹.揭阳港波浪入射角对港内波高影响试验研究[J].水运工程,2024,(12):51-56 |
揭阳港波浪入射角对港内波高影响试验研究 |
Experimental study on influence of wave incidence angle on wave height inside Jieyang Port |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 波浪数值模型 航道 波浪入射角 波浪折射 港内波高 |
英文关键词:wave numerical model waterway wave incidence angle wave refraction wave height in harbor |
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摘要点击次数: 176 |
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中文摘要: |
针对有航道海港波浪入射角对港内波高有较大影响的问题,依托物理模型和波浪数值模型,系统分析不同波高、周期、航道尺寸下波浪入射角对港内波高的影响规律。结果表明,波浪入射角θ≤30°时,港内波高随周期的增大而减小,随航道内水深的减小而增大;30°<θ<40°时,港内波高基本不受周期影响;当θ>40°时,港内波高随周期的增大而增大。此外,θ<40°时,航道宽度越小、边坡越陡,港内波高越大;θ≥40°时,航道宽度、边坡对港内波高影响较小。θ<30°时,航道内水深越小,港内波高越大;θ≥50°时,航道内水深越大,港内波高越大。揭阳港内波高对应的波浪入射角为30°~40°时港内波高最大,应采取相应的工程措施减小该波向对港内船舶泊稳的不利影响。 |
英文摘要: |
In response to the problem that the wave incidence angle has a significant impact on the wave height in the harbor in seaports with navigational channels,based on physical models and wave numerical models,the influence of the wave incidence angle on the wave height in the harbor under different wave height,period,and channel size conditions is systematically analyzed.The results show that when wave incidence angle θ≤30°,the wave height in the harbor decreases with the increase of the period,and increases with the decrease of the water depth in the waterway.When 30°<θ<40°,the wave height in the harbor is basically not affected by the period.When θ>40°,the wave height in the harbor increases with the increase of the period.In addition,when θ<40°,the smaller the channel width and the steeper the slope,the greater the wave height in the harbor.When θ≥40°,channel width and channel slope have little influence on wave height in the harbor.When θ< 30°,the smaller the water depth in the channel,the greater the wave height in the harbor.When θ≥50°,the greater the water depth in the channel,the greater the wave height in the harbor.The wave height inside Jieyang Port is the maximum when the wave incidence Angle is 30°~40°,and corresponding engineering measures should be taken to reduce the adverse impact of this wave direction on the mooring stability of ships in the port. |
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