邓紫阳,李雪艳,丁琰鑫,曲恒良,韩 旭,杨沫遥.长周期波浪对潜堤-弧板式防波堤作用的水动力特性研究*[J].水运工程,2024,(12):37-44
Hydrodynamic characteristics of submerged embankment arc plate composite structures under action of long-period waves
中文关键词:  潜堤-弧板式防波堤  消浪性能  波浪压力  OpenFOAM
英文关键词:submerged breakwater- arc plate breakwater  wave dissipation performance  wave pressure  OpenFOAM
邓紫阳 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
李雪艳 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
丁琰鑫 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
曲恒良 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
韩 旭 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
杨沫遥 鲁东大学 水利工程学院山东 烟台 264025 
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      Considering that the wave dissipation effect of marine protective structures under long-period wave conditions is not ideal,this paper proposes a breakwater structure of submerged embankments and arc plates.Based on the open-source fluid dynamics platform OpenFOAM,a numerical model of the interaction between waves and submerged breakwaters with curved plate breakwaters is established using the continuous equation and Reynolds averaged Stokes equation as the fluid control equations.Using a numerical model validated by experimental results,the influence of arc width and submergence depth on the wave dissipation performance of a submerged breakwater arc plate breakwater is analyzed,and the distribution characteristics of wave pressure on the upper and lower surfaces of the submerged breakwater arc plate breakwater arc plate are explored.The results show that within the wave period range set in this article,the transmission coefficient of the submerged breakwater and the arc plate breakwater decreases with the increase of submerged depth and arc plate width.Its reflection coefficient increases with increasing depth and plate width.The positive and negative wave pressures on the lower surfaces of the submerged breakwater and arc plate breakwater are approximately symmetrical about the horizontal axis,while there are significant differences in the positive and negative pressure values between different measurement points on the upper surface.The research results can provide certain theoretical and technical guidance for engineering applications.
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