Test of wave attenuation performance of floating flat-plate breakwater under tsunami waves
中文关键词:  浮式水平板防波堤  孤立波  消浪性能  系泊线倾角  系泊张力
英文关键词:floating flat-plate breakwater  solitary wave  wave attenuation performance  mooring line inclination  mooring tension
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52171278、51979245) 舟山市科技计划项目(2022C41008) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划资助项目(202310340013) 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划资助项目(2023R411018)
何子豪 浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院浙江 舟山 316022 
孙宏月 浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院浙江 舟山 316022 
丁伟业 浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院浙江 舟山 316022 
赵西增 浙江大学 海洋学院浙江 舟山 316021 
李怡良 浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院浙江 舟山 316022 
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      We study the wave attenuation performance of single-row floating flat-plate,double-row floating flat-plate,triple-row floating flat-plate,and perforated floating flat-plate breakwaters under the action of solitary waves through physical model tests,and compare and analyze four types of floating plate breakwaters in terms of their transmission coefficients,reflection coefficients,wave energy dissipation coefficients,and mooring tensions under different relative wave heights and mooring line inclinations.The results show that the transmission coefficient of the single-row floating flat-plate breakwater is the smallest,while that of triple-row floating flat-plate breakwater is the largest.Compared to the single-row floating flat-plate breakwater,double-row floating flat-plate,triple-row floating flat-plate,and the perforated floating flat-plate breakwaters exhibit significantly reduced mooring line tension.Moreover,moderately adjusting the inclination of the mooring line can also improve the wave attenuation effect of the floating plate and change the characteristics of mooring line tension.
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