张 芮,左华楠.凿岩机在甲板驳轨道上滑移对船舶运动的影响[J].水运工程,2024,(3):194-198 |
凿岩机在甲板驳轨道上滑移对船舶运动的影响 |
Effect of rock drill sliding on deck barge track on ship motion response |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 凿岩机 甲板驳 滑移 运动响应 缆力 |
英文关键词:rock drill deck barge sliding motion response cable force |
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摘要点击次数: 462 |
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中文摘要: |
为了探索凿岩机在甲板驳轨道上滑移对船舶运动响应和系泊缆力的影响,以3 850 DWT甲板驳船为研究对象,应用水动力分析软件ANSYS的AQWA模块,分析凿岩机在轨道前端、中部和后端3种凿岩工况,并对比驳船运动响应和系泊缆力的差异。分析结果表明:凿岩机在船上不同位置凿岩会使驳船纵摇和横摇发生明显变化;不同油水所导致排水量的不同,对驳船横摇纵摇响应也有一定的影响,不同工况下驳船系泊缆力的变化不大。研究结果可为大型设备在甲板驳船上作业的评估、选型和应对措施提供一定的借鉴和参考。 |
英文摘要: |
To explore the ship motion response and mooring cable force of rock drill sliding on deck barge track,the 3 850 DWT deck barge is taken as the research object.AQWA module of hydrodynamic analysis software ANSYS is applied to analyze three drilling conditions of rock drill at the front,middle and back ends of track,and to compare the differences between barge motion response and mooring cable force.The results show that the pitch and roll of barge will change obviously when the rock drill is drilled at different positions on the ship.In addition,the different displacement caused by different oil and water has a certain effect on the barge’s rolling and pitching response,and the mooring cable force of barge has little change under different working conditions.The research results can provide some reference and guidance for the evaluation,selection and countermeasures of large equipment operating on deck barges. |
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