王曦巍,李 军,冯诗甲,张亚楠,杨正军.重型绞吸挖泥船挖掘砂岩混泥岩施工工艺优化[J].水运工程,2024,(3):184-188
Optimization of construction technology for excavation of sandstone mixed with mudstone by heavy-duty cutter suction dredger
中文关键词:  疏浚工程  重型绞吸船  砂岩混泥岩  泥泵功率计算
英文关键词:dredging project  heavy-duty cutter suction dredger  sandstone mixed with mudstone  pump power calculation
王曦巍 中交(天津)疏浚工程有限公司天津 300450 
李 军 中交(天津)疏浚工程有限公司天津 300450 
冯诗甲 中交(天津)疏浚工程有限公司天津 300450 
张亚楠 中交天津航道局有限公司天津 300457 
杨正军 天津市疏浚工程技术企业重点实验室天津 300457 
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      针对重型绞吸船挖掘砂岩混泥岩的复杂工况,以钦州港东航道扩建工程为例,开展“天鲲号”绞吸船挖掘与输送砂岩混泥岩土质的施工工艺研究。通过7G与8G 6臂绞刀的对比试验,综合比较不同绞刀型号的生产效率及刀齿损耗,对挖泥机具进行比选;通过对绞吸船施工时进尺、切厚等关键施工参数的分析优化,结合砂岩混泥岩的土质特性,确定了最佳挖掘施工工艺;通过对泥泵性能的分析计算,确定了绞吸船输送的最佳控制浓度;从挖掘、输送2方面进行施工工艺优化,总结了重型绞吸船挖掘砂岩混泥岩的施工技术。研究成果可为类似工况的绞吸船施工提供参考。
      In response to the complex working conditions of heavy cutter suction dredgers excavating sandstone mixed mudstone,this paper takes Qinzhou Port East Channel Expansion Project as an example to carry out construction technology research on the excavation and transportation of sandstone mixed mudstone soil by “Tiankun Hao” cutter suction dredger.Through comparative experiments between 7G and 8G six-arm cutter,the production efficiency and tooth loss of different cutter types are comprehensively compared,the dredging equipment is compared and selected.By analyzing and optimizing key construction parameters such as footage and cutting thickness during the construction,combined with the soil characteristics,the optimal excavation construction technology is determined.By analyzing and calculating performance of the mud pump,optimal control concentration for the transportation is determined.The construction technology optimization is carried out from two aspects of excavation and transportation,the construction technology of heavy-duty cutter suction dredgers for excavating sandstone mixed mudstone is summarized.The research results can provide reference for the construction of cutter suction dredgers under similar working conditions.
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