吕 威,谭彬政,马 勇.硬质岩基条件下沉箱码头的抛石棱体优化设计[J].水运工程,2024,(3):69-73
Optimization design of riprap prism for caisson wharf under hard rock foundation conditions
中文关键词:  沉箱码头  硬质岩基  抛石棱体高度  工程造价  优化设计规律
英文关键词:caisson quay  hard rock foundation  height of riprap prism  engineering cost  optimal design rule
吕 威 中国港湾工程有限公司北京 100007 
谭彬政 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
马 勇 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
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      For gravity caisson quay under hard bedrock conditions,riprap prisms are usually installed behind the caissons to reduce the width of the caissons,and reduce the amount of reef blasting within the excavation range of the foundation trench.This article relies on an overseas project to analyze and study the relationship between the height of the prism and the engineering cost,so as to explore the optimal design rules of the riprap prism.The results show that the engineering cost is the lowest when the height of the riprap prism is about 60%~80% of the height of the caisson.When the hard rock surface is lower than 1/2 of the height of the caisson,the optimal height of the riprap prism is about 60% of the height of the caisson.When the hard rock surface is 1/2 higher than the height of the caisson,the optimal height of the riprap prism is about 80% of the height of the caisson.The laws revealed in this article can be used as a reference for similar projects.In practical projects,multiple factors such as engineering geological conditions,ground material prices,and construction capacity should be comprehensively considered to analyze and determine an economically reasonable prism height.
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