Intelligent management and control technology of berthing safety operation in liquid bulk terminals
中文关键词:  液体散货码头  安全管控  船舶运动预测  船舶作业就绪度
英文关键词:liquid bulk cargo terminal  safety management and control  ship motion prediction  ship operation readiness
刘国田 烟台港集团有限公司山东 烟台 264000 
费华平 中国海洋大学 工程学院山东 青岛 266100 
高云宝 烟台港集团有限公司山东 烟台 264000 
孙庆峰 烟台港集团有限公司山东 烟台 264000 
冒睿雯 海博泰科技(青岛)有限公司山东 青岛 266101 
史宏达 中国海洋大学 工程学院山东 青岛 266100山东省海洋工程重点实验室山东 青岛 266100 
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      At present,the berth safety control of domestic liquid bulk cargo terminals still relies on manual experience,which is difficult to meet the requirements of full process,integration and unmanned,and there are many risks in ship berthing and unberthing operations.With the development of specialized and large-scale liquid terminals,safe operation control needs to take more effective measures on the new concept.Based on the refined prediction of waves,this paper proposes a set of intelligent safety management and control technology for liquid bulk cargo terminals to predict the ship motion,and avoids the risk actively.The paper puts forward the concept of ship operational readiness,assigns the index weight to the influencing factors of berthing operation,and builds its safety evaluation model to obtain the criterion of safety at berth.The results show that the application of this technology provides a powerful scientific basis for the decision-making of ship safety operation window period.
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