Layout plan of third-line ship lock of Qingyuan Hub
中文关键词:  沙质河床  复式浅滩  航道整治  工程方案
英文关键词:sandy riverbed  compound shoal  channel regulation  engineering scheme
李求生 湖北省航道工程有限公司湖北 武汉 430056 
漆炼勇 湖北省港路勘测设计咨询有限公司湖北 武汉 430056 
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      As an important navigable reach of the middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River,after the implementation of Danjiangkou Reservoir and the Yangtze River to Hanjiang River water diversion project,the upstream water duration and discharge have undergone great changes,and the changes of water flow,sediment movement and riverbed are very complicated.This paper studies the regulation plan of Goutou Bay based on the measured hydrology,topographic data in recent years and model test data,it focuses on the analysis of the evolution characteristics of the shoal section,the relationship between water flow and sediment movement and the characteristics of navigation-obstructing and proposes the regulation project.The verification results show that the implementation of the regulation project stabilizes the project reach beach,narrows the width of the middle and low water river,the deep trough is generally scoured and tends to be stable,and the middle and low water river regime can be effectively controlled and consolidated.The research results can provide reference channel regulation of Goutou Bay section shoal and similar channel section.
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