程 艳,郝 岭,李泳龙,徐 红,张昊煜.山区河流港湾式锚泊区停泊条件分析*[J].水运工程,2024,(1):149-155
Mooring conditions in harbor-type anchorage area of mountain rivers
中文关键词:  数学模型  山区河流  港湾式锚泊区
英文关键词:mathematical model  mountain rivers  harbor-type anchorage area
程 艳 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司成都 610017 
郝 岭 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司成都 610017 
李泳龙 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司成都 610017 
徐 红 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司成都 610017 
张昊煜 四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司成都 610017 
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      针对四川省通航河流汛期“跑船”事故,需合理选址建设船舶锚泊区。基于数学模型,研究岷江乐山杜家场港湾式锚泊区工程河段的水流条件。结果表明:同一流量级时,工程河段主河道流速远大于锚泊区内流速,遇50 a一遇洪水时,主河道最大流速为6.50 m/s,对应锚泊区内的最大流速为1.22 m/s;随着来流量的增加,主河道的流速增长幅度也远大于锚泊区内的流速增长幅度,研究工况下,主河道流速最大变幅值为1.02 m/s,对应锚泊区内的流速变幅为0.19 m/s。山区河流港湾式锚泊区能够很好地满足船舶安全停靠要求。
      Regarding the “runaway ship” accidents during the flood season of navigable rivers in Sichuan Province,it is necessary to reasonably select and construct ship anchorage areas.Based on a mathematical model,this article studies the flow conditions of the river section of Dujiachang Harbor in Minjiang River.The results show that the flow velocity of the main channel of the project section is much greater than that of the anchorage area when the same flow rate is applied.When encountering a 50 year flood,the maximum flow velocity of the main river channel is 6.50 m/s,corresponding to a maximum flow velocity of 1.22 m/s in the anchorage area. As the inflow increases,the growth rate of the flow velocity of the main channel is much greater than that of the flow velocity inside the anchorage area.Under the research conditions,the maximum variation value of the main channel flow velocity is 1.02 m/s,corresponding to a flow velocity variation of 0.19 m/s in the anchorage area.The harbor-type anchorage area of mountainous rivers can effectively meet the requirements for safe docking of ships.
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