王 柱,江木春.右江航道整治工程河段比降观测方法探讨[J].水运工程,2024,(1):144-148 |
右江航道整治工程河段比降观测方法探讨 |
Observation method of river section gradient in the Youjiang River waterway regulation project |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 河心比降 纵比降 航道整治 水准观测 |
英文关键词:river center gradient longitudinal slope channel regulation leveling observation |
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摘要点击次数: 382 |
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中文摘要: |
针对右江航道整治工程比降观测要求,对比降观测的方法进行探讨。采用纵比降与河心比降相结合的实施方案,重点对河心比降水准测量方法进行论证。通过在竹筏上设置可调节管状水准尺的水面比降器,采用水准测量的方法测量河心水面高程,结合全球卫星导航系统-载波相位差分技术(GNSS-RTK)测得的坐标等信息,提高河心比降观测精度。结果表明,水准观测的方法可实现毫米级观测精度,比GNSS-RTK观测河心比降的精度更高。 |
英文摘要: |
In response to the requirements for gradient observation of the Youjiang River waterway regulation project,the methods of gradient observation are discussed.An implementation plan combining longitudinal gradient and river center gradient is adopted,with a focus on demonstrating the leveling measurement method of river center gradient.By setting an adjustable tubular level on a bamboo raft,a leveling observation method is used to measure the elevation of the river center water surface.Combined with the coordinates and other information measured by GNSS-RTK,the accuracy of river center leveling observation is improved.The results show that the leveling observation method can achieve millimeter level observation accuracy for measuring the river center gradient,which has higher accuracy than using GNSS-RTK. |
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