张 宁,韩兆兴,程金香,肖 杨,高玉健,刘 洁.平陆运河内河段沿线河流水生生态影响识别*[J].水运工程,2024,(1):120-125
Identification of aquatic ecological influence along Pinglu Canal inland waterway
中文关键词:  平陆运河  水生生境  水生生物  生态风险  水系连通
英文关键词:Pinglu Canal  aquatic environment  aquatic organism  ecological risk  water system connection
基金项目:2022 年度交通运输部规划研究院科技开发项目(092217-102);2022 年广西交通运输行业重点科技项目(2022-62);广西科技重大专项(桂科AA23023016)
张 宁 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
韩兆兴 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
程金香 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
肖 杨 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
高玉健 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
刘 洁 交通运输部规划研究院北京 100028
交通排放控制监测技术实验室北京 100028 
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      Canal development has a significant promoting effect on regional traffic improvement and economic development.However,more and more attention has been paid to the negative environmental impact caused by its large development intensity and complex construction contents.Aiming at the identification of aquatic ecological impact of Pinglu Canal,through the analysis and classification of the construction contents of the inland waterway of Pinglu Canal,combined with the ecological impact analysis of waterway regulation and avionics junction construction,this paper proposes three types of key evaluation contents of aquatic ecological impact of inland river section of Pinglu Canal by analogy analysis and ecological factor identification,and analyzes the impact of construction contents on the main ecological factors.Further more,it sorts out the system of aquatic ecological protection measures from two dimensions of engineering design and ecological restoration.The research results can provide reference for the identification and restoration of the ecological environment influence in the canal development and construction project.
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