董 霞,赵 凯,吕小龙,张 震.多种通航建筑物组合布置的通过时间研究[J].水运工程,2024,(1):97-104
Transit time of multiple navigation building combination arrangements
中文关键词:  船闸  升船机  隧洞  船闸通过能力  临界航速
英文关键词:lock  ship lift  navigable tunnel  lock capacity  critical speed
董 霞 中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
赵 凯 中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
吕小龙 中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
张 震 中交水运规划设计院有限公司北京 100007 
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      High head navigation buildings in mountainous waterways are often arranged in combination with ship locks,ship elevators,tunnels,and intermediate channels.Due to the mutual constraints and influences on the carrying capacity of various navigation buildings,their calculations are relatively complex.This article combines engineering practice and analyzes the matching of time passing through various buildings and its impact on navigation efficiency during the calculation of passing capacity.It is pointed out that when arranging navigation buildings in combination,the one-time operation time of the ship lock or ship lift should be used as the basis to recheck and calculate whether the one-time operation time of other navigation buildings such as navigation tunnels and auxiliary gates is less than the basic time.When it is more than the basic time,the combination form,layout form,and construction scale should be reasonably adjusted.The achievements can provide reference for similar projects.
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