倪 雁,夏保琴,顾 磊.射流水平移动速度对冲刷粉沙特性影响的数值模拟*[J].水运工程,2024,(1):71-75
Numerical simulation of influence of moving jet horizontal velocity on silt bed scouring
中文关键词:  移动射流  冲刷  粉沙  数值模拟
英文关键词:moving jet  scouring  silt  numerical simulation
倪 雁 中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司上海 200120 
夏保琴 河海大学疏浚技术教育部工程研究中心江苏 常州 213022 
顾 磊 河海大学疏浚技术教育部工程研究中心江苏 常州 213022 
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      针对在疏浚工程中射流冲刷如何提高产能和降低能耗的问题,进行了数值模拟研究。以中值粒径为0.048 mm的粉沙沙床作为研究对象,基于泥沙冲刷模型建立了移动射流冲刷模型,并结合物理模型试验结果验证数值模拟参数选取的可靠性。该模型成功模拟了垂向淹没射流冲刷沙床现象,并分析了移动速度对射流冲刷深度、产能与比能的影响。结果表明:随着移动速度的增大,冲刷深度及冲沟截面积不断减小;存在最经济射流移动速度范围,使得冲刷产能保持良好的基础上尽可能减少能耗量。研究成果为射流冲刷提高产能和降低能耗提供了理论支撑,最经济射流移动速度范围可用于指导疏浚工程实践。
      Numerical simulation study is carried out to increase jet scour productivity and reduce energy consumption in dredging engineering.Based on the sediment scouring model,a moving jet scouring model is established for a silt bed with a median particle size of 0.048 mm,and the reliability of the numerical simulation parameters are verified combined with the physical model test results.The model successfully simulates the phenomenon of vertical submerged jet scouring the sand bed,and analyzes the influence of moving speed on the jet scouring depth,productivity and specific energy.The results show that the scour depth and cross-sectional area of gully decrease with the increase of moving speed.There is a range of the most economical jet moving speeds,so that the scour production is maintained on a good basis with as little energy consumption as possible.The research results provide theoretical support for jet scour to increase production and reduce energy consumption.The range of the most economical jet velocity can be used to guide dredging engineering practice.
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