高晓兵,郑 晨.石化基地深厚抛石地基的防渗措施[J].水运工程,2021,(5):48-52
Anti-seepage measure in deep riprap foundation of petrochemical base
中文关键词:  石化基地  抛石地基  防渗  气动潜孔锤  塑性混凝土咬合桩
英文关键词:petrochemical base  riprap foundation  anti-seepage  pneumatic DTH hammer  plastic concrete occluded pile
高晓兵 中交第三航务工程勘察设计院有限公司上海200032 
郑 晨 舟山绿色石化基地管理委员会浙江 舟山316021 
摘要点击次数: 494
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      Aiming at the problems of difficult hole forming and serious slurry leakage in riprap foundation,we analyze the successful cases of seepage control of other projects under the condition of riprap foundation based on the geological investigation of the riprap foundation of petrochemical base,compare the similarities and differences between the geological characteristics and successful cases in the riprap foundation. Combining with the hole forming technology of pneumatic down the hole(DTH)hammer,we propose the anti-seepage measures of using pneumatic DTH hammer combined with plastic concrete occluded pile in deep riprap foundation. In the process of drilling with a pneumatic DTH hammer,casing wall protection technology can effectively solve the problems of hole collapse and slurry leakage in the process of pile forming,and ensure the construction quality of impervious core. The admixtures added into the ordinary concrete for the plastic concrete occluded pile can improve the impermeability of the occluded pile and adaptability to the deformation of the foundation. The results show that the pneumatic DTH hammer combined with plastic concrete occluded pile is an effective and reliable anti-seepage measure in a deep riprap foundation.
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