董志良,刘 嘉,朱幸科,张波云,高铭新.大面积围海造陆围堰工程关键技术研究及应用[J].水运工程,2015,(2):9-17
Key technology research and application of cofferdam construction in large-area reclamation project
中文关键词:  围海造陆  砂袋围堰  铺排  插板  智能控制  钢结构围堰
英文关键词:reclamation  sandbag cofferdam  laying construction  installation of PVD  intelligent control  steel cofferdam
董志良 中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
刘 嘉 中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
朱幸科 中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
张波云 中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
高铭新 中交四航工程研究院有限公司广东 广州 510230 
摘要点击次数: 15634
全文下载次数: 4470
      随着沿海地区对土地需求量的日益增长,围海造陆正越来越多地应用于工程实践中。而围堰形成作为整个围海 造陆工程的基础环节,直接影响到后续陆域形成和软基处理施工的安全顺利进行。介绍我国围海造陆的发展现状以及围堰 填筑的结构形式和施工技术,并结合港珠澳大桥珠澳口岸人工岛填海工程等项目,重点探讨抛石围堰、砂袋围堰、复合型 砂袋围堰、插入式钢结构围堰以及水上施工智能控制系统等关键施工技术,为其推广应用提供参考。
      With the growing demand for land in coastal areas, reclamation is increasingly applied to the engineering practice. As the basic link of reclamation engineering, cofferdam formation directly affects the safe and smooth implementation of subsequent land formation and soft ground improvement. This paper presents the development of reclamation engineering and the structure style and construction technology of cofferdam formation. Based on reclamation projects of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge-Zhuhai-Macao Port Artificial Island, etc, this paper focuses on key technologies such as riprap cofferdam, sandbag cofferdam, composite sandbag cofferdam, plugin steel cofferdam and intelligent control system of construction on water, which provide valuable reference for the promotion and application of the technology.
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