葛德杰.安庆电厂码头选址方案优势比较分析[J].水运工程,2014,(10):76-80 |
安庆电厂码头选址方案优势比较分析 |
Comparative analysis of advantages of Anqing power plant’s pier site options |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 码头选址 排水口岸线 节能 环保 集约化 |
英文关键词:pier location drain shoreline energy saving environmental protection integrated use |
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摘要点击次数: 9144 |
全文下载次数: 2175 |
中文摘要: |
电厂排水口占用了很多优质岸线,研究共用此类岸线具有重要意义。通过研究排水口对码头的影响范围,确定安庆电厂码头共用排水口岸线的选址方案。与其他方案比较,该方案具有节能环保集约化使用岸线的优势。 |
英文摘要: |
The plant drain takes up a lot of quality shorelines,so it is of great importance to study this kind of shoreline.By studying the impact of the scope of drain on the pier,we determine the siting plan for the shared Anqing power plant drain.Comparing with other siting options,the recommended plan has the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection for the integrated use of the shoreline. |
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